[Jawlist] Eg-update 38.0 - Tony Sweet interview

Iggy Makarevich iggymak at gmail.com
Fri May 1 11:40:31 PDT 2015

This just in!


Hello Everyone.

Apologies.   I ALWAYS forget to put notices of these
skype/radio interviews posted at all ...  or remember, only, as in this
case, last minute!.

Anyway, as somebody once famously said, "Better late than never"

On the other hand, I can think of instances when "never" might be better
than much too late.  This may be one of them.

If you have nothing else planned for tonight, you might enjoy tuning in.
Among other things, I'll be talking about the new JAW hobbyhorse, The Five
Cowboys of Apocalypse 2.0.


John Anthony West

From: notify at twitter.com
To: Jawsphinx at jawest.net
Sent: 5/1/2015 12:44:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: OnAirWithTonySweet (@OnAirWithTony) is now following you on Twitter!

    John Anthony West,  You have a new follower on Twitter.

Air With Tony Sweet & TRUTH BE TOLD, a National Radio Show dealing w/
Entertainment, UFO, Conspiracy & the Paranormal on UBNRadio.com
PT  Hollywood, CA · http://www.OnAirWithTonySweet.com


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to you via--
Iggy Makarevich
High priest and bookkeeper for the Tomb of the Encrusted Fork, voice actor,
writer, anomalist and Fortean curmudgeon.

High Strangeness Art
<http://www.zazzle.com/iggymak?rf=238226568838703301>. What's
All This, Then? <http://whatsallthisthen.wordpress.com/> LinkedIn

- To save time - I would like you to know that I am utterly insane.
- No matter how old you are, no matter how much of a bad ass you are, if a
toddler hands you their ringing toy phone... *you answer it*.
- Help! I'm a sentient bit of code trapped in this idiot's signature box!
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