[Jawlist] Eg-update # 40 Next Egypt Trip dates + Urgent! Urgent!

Iggy Makarevich iggymak at gmail.com
Thu May 19 14:31:46 PDT 2016

Hello all,

This just in from John:


Hello Everyone,

1.  The next Egypt trip is October 21 - November 4, 2016. (I will have
further detailed info on this up on the site shortly, but for the moment
this will suffice.)

Its the standard posted itinerary, but the price has to go up $150 since
the Antiquities Dept has, without warning, doubled the price of tickets to
all the sites.  If you need further info, email, call or skype me. If you
want to send in deposits now, however, you can.

There is substantial other Egypt-related news to report but it will have to
wait a bit while I attend to the "Urgent! Urgent !" element of the above
Subject Line.

2.  Just minutes ago I had a phone call from my glamorous and gutsy
model/actress daughter Zoe,  who tells me that she's just learned that
she's #1  for the first round voting for her region for a big prize in a
Miss Jetset contest being run by *Jetset Magazine. *

This is an email-in competition so I thought I'd do my bit to help out and
try to get her more votes via my list.

in less then 12 hours voting closes, (hence the Urgent! Urgent!) and they
then announce the top 75 contestants.

In order for her to win the grand prize she needs to hold her place at
#1. Here's
how you can help:

Vote for FREE by sharing on facebook.

-click link below
-click free daily vote
-site will log you into facebook
-you can make the post visible by only you if you so choose


Also: Believe it or not, you can also also *buy* votes!  That's right. It's
sort of like Congress!   Except that Zoe is much better-looking than anyone
there; smarter and more talented, too ... which, admittedly, doesn't take
much.  (Google up Zoe C. West for more Zoe news:  website, facebook page,

Thanks, and more very promising Egypt-related info to come shortly.



John Anthony West
675 Manorville  Rd.
Saugerties NY 12477

Tel: 518-678-2160

Web site: www.jawest.net

Skypename:  JAWSPHINX

To join my private  mailing list and receive occasional updates and Egypt
Trip information, click  here

To listen to my  PhoenixFire Audio blogs click here


brought to you via --
Iggy Makarevich <http://www.iggymakarevich.com/>
High priest and bookkeeper for the Tomb of the Encrusted Fork, voice actor,
writer, anomalist and Fortean curmudgeon.

High Strangeness Art
<http://www.zazzle.com/iggymak?rf=238226568838703301>. What's
All This, Then? <http://whatsallthisthen.wordpress.com/> LinkedIn

- To save time - I would like you to know that I am utterly insane.
- No matter how old you are, no matter how much of a bad ass you are, if a
toddler hands you their ringing toy phone... *you answer it*.
- Help! I'm a sentient bit of code trapped in this idiot's signature box!
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