[Jawlist] Eg-Update 44.0 !

Iggy Makarevich iggymak at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 13:40:15 PST 2016

This just in...

Ig, please get this out to my mailing list and up on the website.  Muchas



Hello All

Dates are now finalized for my February 2017 Egypt Trip.

Depart JFK (or elsewhere in the Western hemisphere) February 17 2017 --
Return March 3 2017.

The itinerary is the same as the standard trip already posted to my
website, except that I've added a free day, which we can very much use!

This adds $100 on to the listed price.   Thus $5595 instead of $5495.
airfare is NOT INCLUDED   Domestic airfare within Egypt is included, as are
many other features that are expensive options on other tours, or, more
commonly, not available at all.

Many more people have inquired about this trip than I have room for. Apart
from my website and this Update to my mailing list, it will also go up on
Facebook, and I'll be talking about it on a few blogs/interviews coming up

If you are certain you want to go, please let me know *asap.  *

If you can put in a deposit right away, so much the better. If not I can
wait as long as I know you're definite about signing on.  Just let me know
so I don't overbook, or tell people there's room when there isn't.

Remember there's a discount ($150) if you pay by check or wire transfer
 (Wire transfer info is on my website)

*Note:  Of possible interest to all living within striking distance of New
York City.  I will be doing a joint lecture/interview there (first time
ever) with Graham Hancock on November 29.  This should be a lively,
entertaining and informative evening.  As this is written (11/18) tickets
are 2/3 sold out so if you plan to attend it might be wise to book in
advance.  Here is the link: *


I hope to see you in Egypt or at the upcoming NYC event ... or both.



PS  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email, call or skype me.

John Anthony West
675 Manorville  Rd.
Saugerties NY 12477

Tel: 518-678-2160

Web site: www.jawest.net

Skypename:  JAWSPHINX

To join my private  mailing list and receive occasional updates and Egypt
Trip information, click  here http://lists.jawest.net/

To listen to my  PhoenixFire Audio blogs click here

John Anthony West
675 Manorville  Rd.
Saugerties NY 12477

Tel: 518-678-2160

Web site: www.jawest.net

Skypename:  JAWSPHINX

To join my private  mailing list and receive occasional updates and Egypt
Trip information, click  here http://lists.jawest.net/

To listen to my  PhoenixFire Audio blogs click here


brought to you via --
Iggy Makarevich <http://www.iggymakarevich.com/>
High priest and bookkeeper for the Tomb of the Encrusted Fork, voice actor,
writer, anomalist and Fortean curmudgeon.

High Strangeness Art
<http://www.zazzle.com/iggymak?rf=238226568838703301>. What's
All This, Then? <http://whatsallthisthen.wordpress.com/> LinkedIn

- To save time - I would like you to know that I am utterly insane.
- No matter how old you are, no matter how much of a bad ass you are, if a
toddler hands you their ringing toy phone... *you answer it*.
- Help! I'm a sentient bit of code trapped in this idiot's signature box!
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